Tyrolean Harp
Kontact Library

Tyrolean Harp
Kontact Library
"This excetional library has this extra warmth and spark, many other libraries are lacking"
Max Music Maker - Famous Music Producer
"This excetional library has this extra warmth and spark, many other libraries are lacking"
Max Music Maker - Famous Music Producer

Tyrolean Harp
Kontact Library
"This excetional library has this extra warmth and spark, many other libraries are lacking"
Max Music Maker - Famous Music Producer
"This excetional library has this extra warmth and spark, many other libraries are lacking"
Max Music Maker - Famous Music Producer
"This excetional library has this extra warmth and spark, many other libraries are lacking"
Max Music Maker - Famous Music Producer
"This excetional library has this extra warmth and spark, many other libraries are lacking"
Max Music Maker - Famous Music Producer

Studio One
The creative space for professional audio production
The heart of weyrerTon is Studio one. With three interconnected recording rooms, a 96 Input Acousta DCA200 inline console and a versatile microphone selection we are able to handle large recording projects. Albums like "Hi5 - Fünf" and "Herbert Pixner Projekt Summer" have been recorded at Studio One. Its inspirational vibe combined with, professional acoustics and great equipment create the foundation for an outstanding music production.
Three interconnected recording rooms (live, dead, adaptive)
96 Input Acousta DCA 200 Inline Console
Monitoring: PSI A25 M, Cranesong Avocet, Genelec 1031, KRK, AKG, Sennheiser, Ultrasone
Versatile Microphone selection (AKG, Gefell, Manley, etc.)
Outboard: Rupert Neve Designs, Elysia, UA, Tube Tech, etc.
Keys: Lauberger & Gloss Grand Piano, Synthesizer & Drum machines: Moog, Modal 002, MPC4000, Tempest

Production Suite
Lift your songs to the next level
The 17 square meter production suite is designed as an all-round recording and mixing environment. No matter wether you want to record a vocal, a guitar or mix your songs to be master ready - our Production Suite provides you with professional acoustic treatment and technical equipment. Further you have access to the lounge as well as a fully equipped kitchen to refill the batteries, chill and relax while taking a break.
Send us your inquiry. We will cover 50% of the costs of your first daily booking!
Permanent Equipment
Monitoring: Genelec 1031; SPL2 Control
Outboard: AMEK Stereo Preamp; SPL Gain Station, UREI LA4
AD|DA: RME Babyface FS
Mic: Brauner Phantom Classic
Controller: M-Audio Axiom 49; Ableton Push 1
Project record player
Rates start from €100,- (excl.VAT)/day
Opening hours: Su.-Mo. - 9:00AM-22:00PM
Floating Equipment
Moog Voyager, Dave Smith Tempest, Modal 002
Shadow Hills Mono Gama (2x) & Neve 1073 Preamp (2x)
Microphones: Check our equipment list for all available microphones
Who we are
The studio is run by producer and audio engineer Kenneth Winkler. The music passionate started his career as a song writer and producer for various band projects and composer for theater, ballet and opera productions. Kenneth then founded weyrerTon in 2011 and enfolded his vision of a vivid recording studio over the years. The weyrerTon studios have become home to various producers, composers, musicians and sound designers. An inspirational microcosm that provides expertise and resources for all sorts of professional audio production.
weyrerTon has a hybrid approach and combines the best out of both worlds: Analog Outboard Equipment and State-of-the-art Software Plug Ins. Besides our most important tool - our trained ears, we offer:
96 Input Acousta DCA 200 Inline Console
Monitoring: PSI A25 M, Crane Song Avocet, Genelec, Neumann, AKG, Sennheiser, Ultrasone
Versatile Microphone Selection: AKG, Gefell, Manley, etc.
Outboard Gear: Rupert Neve Designs, Elysia, UA, Tube Tech, etc.
Keys: Lauberger & Gloss Grand Piano, Modal oo2, Moog Voyager, Dave Smith Tempest, etc.